Ladies Mantle 25g
These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.
Ladies Mantle is a herb of the rose family, it's flowers are barely noticeable with their tiny clusters of yellow-green. These pearls of magical dew were considered to be essential to the Alchemist's work in producing the Philosopher's stone. It is a herb held in high regard in the workings of the Alchemy. A herb of Freya, it is often used in fertility magic and also for protection. Used in faerie law as the fae appreciate this sacred plant which they collect and drink as a magical elixar.
DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.